**Contact a JCU librarian for user name and password. A directory of private and church-sponsored agencies that support a variety of Catholic activities. Includes the following information for each foundation or agency: contact information, geographic giving pattern, special interests, assets, grant total, grant range, grant average, grant total number, limitations, and application information.
Multi-disciplinary database with full-text access to thousands of scholarly journals, plus online books, videos, news/magazine articles, and more. Also, contains the library's catalog of locally held physical materials.
Features more than a million and a half records with subject headings from a 15,000+ term sociology-specific thesaurus designed by expert lexicographers. This file also contains informative abstracts for more than 640 'core' coverage journals dating back to 1895. In addition, this file provides data mined from more than 530 'priority' coverage journals as well as 1,420 'selective' coverage journals.
Established in 1962, ICPSR is an active partner in social science research and instruction throughout the world. ICPSR's unique combination of data resources, user support, and training in quantitative methods make it a vital resource for fostering inquiry and furthering the social sciences. Account creation required for full use of all site functions and tools.
Index, abstracts, and full text covering scholarly, professional, and trade business journals on management, economics, finance, accounting, international business and much more.