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A guide to building bibliographies and managing citations with Zotero.

Adding references to your Zotero library

There are a number of ways to add items to your Zotero:

Importing from online databases

Many of our databases work very well with Zotero.  Automatic capture is NOT available everywhere so be prepared to copy and paste or type in items from time to time.

Zotero compatible sites

Some issues to watch for when adding items from databases:

  • Complete author names if you get only initials
  • Volume/issue information appears in correct fields
  • Correct page ranges appear
  • Keywords or descriptors transfer appropriately into tags.


Importing from online databases: Catalogs

Straightforward, automatic capture:

 Carroline, WorldCat (both versions), OhioLink, JSTOR, EBSCO, Google Books, Google Scholar, Amazon

Use item identifiers, archive web page, or manual addition techniques:
Zotero frequently adds new "site translators" so watch for icons in the location bar. They may appear one day.

Zotero compatible sites

Some issues to watch out for when adding items from catalogs:

  • Did all the authors, editors, translators, etc. come through as the appropriate role?
  • If you will be using the call numbers in the future, did the full call number come through, or did it truncate? Did the location come through as well?
  • Check how Zotero transferred subject headings or keywords into tags.
  • Colons in titles require the extra space before the colon to be removed.
  • Test with bibliography creation in your favorite formats before you save too many citation.