This page contains information for faculty options for providing video content for classes, in addition to our subscription video resources. There are also instructions to assist with embedding or linking videos within Canvas. Feel free to contact a librarian with any questions, either generally or about specific titles you are seeking.
Since 2017, Grasselli library has provided access to an extensive portion of the Kanopy streaming video catalog without limitation. However, due to budget limitations, this model of access has become unsustainable. The current Kanopy model for academic libraries results in a charge to the library of $150 as soon as a video has been watch 30 seconds or more on four occasions, meaning we could pay for as little as two minutes of viewing time during a year. This charge only provides leased access to the film for one year, typically.
Effective Jun 1, 2024, the library will move to a mediated model for videos requested through Kanopy. These videos will require requesting access in advance of the time of need. Please send requests for known needs as far in advance as possible to ensure access when needed. When on the Kanopy site, clicking on an unlicensed film will result in a request form being presented to the user, which can be filled out to request access. This information, including the reason for the request, will be sent to a librarian. The requestor will be notified of approval, and activation should occur within 3-5 business days of requesting. Once a video has been leased, anyone will be able to watch it for the duration of the lease (typically one year) without re-requesting it.
Faculty who have embedded links to or clips of Kanopy films in Canvas are encouraged to alert a librarian to ensure the film will be activated for the relevant course.
Changing to mediated access will allow Grasselli Library to continue to make Kanopy titles available in support of the academic curriculum, and manage streaming video costs. This change will allow us to focus library expenditures on teaching and learning purposes. For personal entertainment purposes, we encourage users to see what their public library has to offer!
Attention: Effective Jun 1, 2024, the library will move to a mediated model for videos requested through Kanopy. These videos will require requesting access in advance of the time of need. Please send requests for known needs as far in advance as possible to ensure access when needed. When on the Kanopy site, clicking on an unlicensed film will result in a request form being presented to the user, which can be filled out to request access. This information, including the reason for the request, will be sent to a librarian. The requestor will be notified of approval, and activation should occur within 3-5 business days of requesting. Once a video has been leased, anyone will be able to watch it for the duration of the lease (typically one year) without re-requesting it.
Changing to mediated access will allow Grasselli Library to continue to make Kanopy titles available in support of the academic curriculum, and manage streaming video costs. This change will allow us to focus library expenditures on teaching and learning purposes. For personal entertainment purposes, we encourage users to see what their public library has to offer!
Contains hundreds of films of British stage productions in high-definition that can be streamed as video on demand. Also includes behind-the-scenes documentaries and learning resources including introductions, plot summaries, character biographies, relationship maps, language analysis, scene studies, performance backgrounds, and historical contexts.
Partner companies include the Royal Shakespeare Company, Almeida Theatre, the Royal Court Theatre, the English Touring Theatre, Royal Opera House, English National Ballet, Opera North, L.A. Theatre Works, Frantic Assembly, Lyric Theatre (Hammersmith), the Young Vic, the Old Vic & the Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park.
This collection of over 130 hours of video draws upon a vast network of SAGE’s authors and editors. It includes many tutorials, interviews, and demonstrations, along with many more films addressing practitioner issues.
Swank Digital Campus licenses an extensive catalog of mass-release films of all kinds. Contact the library for information about how to add additional films for teaching purposes. Films not already licensed for the current year will need to be ordered by a librarian, so please contact us as soon as the need is known so that we may assist you.
A limited selection of videos is available for JCU users on Swank Digital Campus. Contact the library for information about how to add additional films for teaching purposes.
The Criterion Channel does allow educational classroom use of an instructor's personal account to show a film in the classroom. This does not apply to public showings of any kind.
Currently, Amazon and Netflix do not provide institutional subscriptions for educational use. The terms of use of these services do not provide for classroom showings from a personal account. Therefore, the library does not endorse using these personal accounts for classroom teaching purposes.
Faculty may place DVDs on reserve in the library for students' use. These may be DVD copies the library holds, or a personal DVD provided by the faculty member (to be returned at the end of the semester). We also have DVD players that may be checked out in case someone does not have access to one.
The Center for Global Languages & Cultures in the Modern & Classical Languages and Culture department has a large collection of foreign language films on DVD available for viewing in their lab. Faculty can check these films out from the CGLC.
For best results when posting links to AVON (Academic Videos Online / Alexander Street) videos in your Canvas course materials, first located the desired film's main page, then click the "share" icon. Use the "permalink" URL listed to paste into Canvas. This may be different from the URL you see in your browsers address bar. Please contact a librarian if you experience any difficulties locating a video or with linking it in Canvas.
You can also create playlists and clips of AVON videos. First you will need to create a personal account. Be sure to set visibility for any clips to be shared with students to either public, or visible to others at my institution. The video linked below provides a tutorial in making clips.
Faculty can provide access to video through their Canvas courses, either by just linking to videos, or by uploading video or clips. Canvas Studio can be used to create clips from YouTube or other online videos, or from a DVD playing over your computer's screen. For more information from ITS about Canvas Studio, see the link below. Note: videos played over Amazon Prime or Netflix will not record via Canvas Studio screen capture.
After creating a playlist or clips in Kanopy, these can be linked to in your Canvas courses. Make sure to alert a librarian to ensure the film is activated for access during the course.