Whether it's finding a book or journal article for a paper, checking out a textbook to study, making a one-on-one research assistance appointment, or just printing out something for class, the JCU community can find assistance from the faculty and staff of Grasselli Library and Breen Learning Center. Faculty librarians also teach information literacy through group and individual instruction. Additionally, the library is the largest employer of students on campus.
Faculty librarians and Help Desk staff are available during the library's hours of operation to answer questions. Our chat service is accessible through the "Ask Me" tool found throughout the library's website. Help can also be reached by phone, email, or walking up to the Help Desk in person. Chat is our users' preferred way to ask questions, but in-person assistance increases during evening hours when students are in the library studying for longer periods of time.
Faculty librarians and staff create online guides to provide curated resources in their subject specialties, general library information, and descriptions and access to the many databases available through the library. These pages are highly used throughout the year, connecting students to quality information sources.
Works created by the JCU community have impact worldwide through Carroll Collected! Faculty librarians curate, digitize, and upload the published works of JCU faculty, staff, and students. Students are encouraged to submit their Master's theses for digital publication. JCU faculty may also manage their published works sites through their own accounts. The University Archives assistant digitizes archival items that document the history of the university, such as the Carroll News. In FY22, papers were downloaded from this repository over 200,000 times, with student papers and projects being the most downloaded types of documents. The digitized Carroll News archive was the second most downloaded collection.