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Departments & Services

The Grasselli Library Help Desk is located immediately to the left as you enter the library. We are available to answer questions about library services and to help locate information. Service is offered in person, by telephone, and via chat. Those desiring a more extended consultation may make an appointment with a subject librarian for in-depth research on a particular subject.  


Please contact us for any reference assistance:

Chat using the "Ask Us" tab at the bottom of library web pages

Help Desk Phone:  216-397-4233



Ask a Librarian

Grasselli reference librarians are available to help you find information and to answer questions about the library and its services. Please contact us in one of the following ways:

  • In person--The Help Desk is immediately to your left as you enter the library.
  • By phone--Call the Library Help Desk at 216-397-4233. 
  • Research Help by Appointment--Schedule a research consultation to work directly with a librarian on your information gathering needs. 
  • E-mail--Directly email Grasselli using (for faster responses, use the above contact options).