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Academic Year 2023-2024 Summary

Grasselli Library Grows

Special Collections Associate Diane Dias De Fazio created numerous pop-up exhibitions on the main and third-floor of Grasselli this year. These highlighted rare and valuable library materials, such as the following:

  • In observance of the end of Ramadan and the annual Week of Islamic Art Culture, a weeklong spotlight on a recent donation by Dr. Zeki Saritoprak, The Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Chair in Islamic Studies at John Carroll University.
  • To raise awareness of Special Collections, example items from different centuries and from different subcollections were displayed on a rotating basis, including some of the Library's oldest printed books (1451, 1487), items centering the American Civil War from the Heltzel Collection of Lincolniana (late 19th century), fine press materials, and titles by American literature from the Robert John Bayer Memorial Collection (early 20th century).
  • As part of the Library's commemoration of ALA's Banned Books Week, an exhibition on the main floor and third-floor display case, entitled "Book Bans Aren't New: Censorship and Prohibited Books from JCU Special Collections, 1563 to 1966." (Attached graphics). This exhibition featured original pen-and-ink drawings from the Charles Nelan Collection of Editorial Cartoons, lists of books prohibited by the Church, and a rare copy of Salome by Oscar Wilde.
banned books aren't new 2024 posterQu'ran exhibit 2024