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Academic Year 2023-2024 Summary

Grasselli Library Grows

New Leadership and Expertise

The Library welcomed two new members of our team this past year, who both created an immediate impact on our relationships, services, and collections.

julia wargaJulia Warga was hired in July 2023 as the new University Librarian for John Carroll University. She brings deep experience with instruction, technology, community relations, and construction projects in academic libraries. She also has held national-level professional leadership positions and been active in local government. In her first year, Julia began strengthening relationships between with university faculty members and other departments. She's also spent many hours meeting with the construction team working on the major library renovation that is in progress.

We're so excited to see in what new directions her leadership takes us.



diane dias de fazioDiane started as our Special Collections Associate in February, which means she is lucky to work with—and share—the oldest and most valuable books on campus! Diane joined JCU after working for several years in libraries in Greater Cleveland and New York City, and brings a deep understanding of the history of the book, rare books, book conservation and preservation, and collection management.

It will be Diane's responsibility to work closely with students and faculty to coordinate class visits and research. Between March and June 1, She installed eight different short-term displays featuring items from Special Collections in the third-floor and main-level cases. Those displays ranged in topic from Islamic Art and Culture Week, fine press printing, Japanese bookbinding, and Earth Day, to interfaith holiday observances. They are also working with Julia and the construction team on re-envisioning the Special Collections space to welcome researchers, while looking ahead to working with students, faculty, and other Library staff for the Library's reopening and our new classroom!

Diane graduated from Fordham University, so they are totally thrilled to be back on a Jesuit campus, which feels like home.

Connecting with the Community

The library is fortunate to have two special partnerships with community organizations: The Monarch Center for Autism and Saint Martin de Porres, Cleveland's Cristo Rey high school. These initiatives are supervised by our Head of Access Services, Adam Green.

In coordination with St. Martin de Porres, the library employs a student who assists at the Help Desk, and John Carroll University usually has 4 additional students working in other departments. This work-study program helps defray up to 40% of the cost of the student's high school education, while teaching them valuable work skills. It also introduces them to the college environment, and some have even gone on to become JCU students!

Monarch students are brought to the library to do routine tasks such as dusting, while under supervision by Monarch Center staff. This provides an opportunity for students to have a change of scenery while practicing cognitive skills such as following directions and maintaining appropriate behavior for the environment. It also fosters a sense of productivity for the students.